Bovine ATP Synthase

This structure comes from PDB ID 2UXW

Bovine ATP Synthase

CPK Color Scheme

On this page, you can see part of the bovine ATP Synthase, the part that protrudes into the mitochondrial matrix. ATP appears red, ADP appears blue, magnesium is green, and sulphate is yellow.

Rotate the ATP synthase around its normal axis. ATP appears red, ADP appears blue, magnesium is green, and sulphate is yellow.

Focus on the ATPs, ADPs. How many of each are present in this structure?

You should note that the sulfur was added to stop the ATP synthase from spinning so it could be crytalized. What do you think you would see in this position inside a living cell?

At the end of the moving, the protein has been slabbed so that you can see about half way into the protein. This allows you to see the central shaft protein as well as the bound ATP (red) and ADP (blue). Note the location of the green Mg2+ ion.

Manipulate the structure by clicking and dragging your mouse over the Jmol image to explore the location of ADP and ATP.

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