Photosystem II

Photosystem II

CPK Color Scheme

Click here to hide all the proteins of the reaction center and reveal all the non-protein components.

Click here to turn chlorophyll a green and beta carotene orange. The primary electron acceptor is colored yellow. This is where the excited state electron from chlorophyll a goes to start its movement down the electron transport chain which include the proteins (not shown).

Focus on the part of PSII that generates oxygen (oxygen evolving center, OEC) from the breakdown of water. Oxygen is a byproduct of using the electrons from water to replace the electrons of the photooxidized chlorophyll a molecules.

Put the proteins back in as cartoons showing secondary structure. Reorient the entire complex so you can see the OEC buried among the proteins. You can zoom out on your own to get a better orientation of the entire complex.


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