Suppressor Logic Toolkit and Quasi-Hash Function
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Suppressor Logic Toolkit and Quasi-Hash Function
The following slides describe the basic toolkit design and a specific experiment that would result in a quasi-hash function
Basic Toolkit Design
The AND gate was designed by Anderson using termination suppressors, while the new design would use frame shift suppressors,

Toolkit with Specific Inputs and Outputs
PprpB/propionate and luxO/pluxT are new communication players that would need to be looked into further to verify their usefulness.
See references at bottom of page.

Experimental Design

Parts Needed
pR R0051
pLacIQ1 K091112
pTetR R0040
pLuxR R0062
lamba cI C0051
LacI C0012
RBS+tetR I15040
luxR C0062
GFP E0040
RFP E1010
Powerpoint File:Suppressorlogic3.ppt
Anderson et al. 2007. “Environmental signal integration by a modular AND gate” [1]
luxO luxT [2]
PprpB propionate [3]