Divide and Conquer Biological Challenges

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Revision as of 21:08, 28 May 2008 by MaCampbell (talk | contribs) (* We need to get the Lsr/AI-2 system working.)
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IGEM2008 design.jpg

* We need to get the Lux/AHL system working.

* We need to get the Lsr/AI-2 system working.

Our summary of the Lsr system: Davidson/Missouri_Western_iGEM2008#Lsr_.28AI-2.29_cell_signaling_system

  • There are NO Lsr parts in the registry:
  • We will need to make BB parts for:
  1. LsrR and LsrK which are adjacent to each other in the E. coli genome. We could amplify them together with a total size of over 2600bp.
  2. Lsr promoter
  3. LuxS that produces DPD that somehow is converted to R-THMF.
  4. How do we get cells to make AI-2?

* We do NOT need to use additional chemical input signals (e.g., aTc and IPTG). We will use only AHL and AI-2 added exogenously.

* We need to have an XOR logic gate produced.

Existing Logic Gates

  • NOT: (insert links to examples here)
  • AND: (insert links to examples here)

* We need to figure out how to get cells to communicate in a sequence and not stop growing too soon.

What if AmpR is secreted and cells are not AmpR? This would prevent cells down the chain from responding too soon.