I am a high school student at Central High School, class of 2010. I am interested in chemistry and biology, and have enjoyed the laboratory and research opportunities at my school. My past independent research has been in the areas of evolutionary biology, genetics/bioinformatics, and microbiology. I enjoy science and plan to pursue a career in research with a PhD in a chemical or biological field. With respect to the 2009 iGEM project my role is to work with physical and virtual protein modeling, in addition to helping with the overall project. I was invited to participate in the project by Dr. Eckdahl, whom I have known for some time and whose son is best friends with my little brother. I am experienced in or acquainted with general microbiological techniques and some genetics techniques such as PCR, electrophoresis, and transformation and am eager to learn more this summer. I also have a strong general biology and chemistry background, so I manage to generally keep up!