Venn diagrams

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Figure 1: Venn diagram showing the number of exact gene matches across the 3 annotations. Regions that overlap denote that the overlapping annotations called the same start and stop index for a given gene. StopCodonMatches1.png
Figure 2: Venn diagram showing the number of stop codon matches across the 3 annotations. Regions that overlap denote that the overlapping annotations called the same stop index and strand (+/-) for a given gene.

Analysis: The major trend that can be noted by comparing these 2 Venn diagrams involves the Rast annotation. In the Figure 1, JGI and Manatee overlapped with each other (985+1471=2456) significantly more than 3 annotations overlapped collectively (1471). However, in Figure 2 this trend disappears. This is likely due to the use of more alternative start codons by Rast. While the stop codons were usually called the same by Rast, the start codons that Rast called frequently differed from Manatee or JGI.