The Random Flipping Game

  • Determine locations in the room for each of the 8 nodes shown in the graph.
  • Stand at node 8.
  • Your goal is to get to node 1.
  • Mentally trace the possible paths from node 8 to node 1 in the graph.
    • How many paths are there from node 8 to node 1?
    • What is the length of the shortest path from node 8 to node 1?
    • How many different shortest paths are there?

Now suppose that, like DNA segments being flipped by Hin recombinase, you are subject to the whims of nature and must randomly move from one node to the other according to the following rules. When the leader says "FLIP," each person will roll a die and move in the direction indicated in the table.

Number showing Direction of Move
1 Forward or Backward
2 Forward or Backward
3 Left or Right
4 Left or Right
5 In or Out
6 In or Out