3D Structure of Yeast Gal4 Binding to DNA

See l Cro Bound to DNA

3D Structure of DNA

CPK Color Scheme


This page shows the yeast Gal4 transciption factor bound as a homodimer to its recognition sequence in DNA. The role of Gal4 in regulating many genes is discussed at length in Chapter 12.

Reset and spin this structure.

Look at the structure from the top...
or the bottom.

Notice how the Gal4 protein binds over a much greater length of DNA than the l Cro protein did (Recall the l Cro chime tutorial.) You might want to click and drag while holding down the option button to move side to side.

Does Gal4 protrude into the minor groove the way l Cro did?

Look at the secondary structure of the Gal4 protein. Any β sheets in Gal4?