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(Roclemente 11:54, 9 June 2009 (EDT))
(--Roclemente 08:46, 10 June 2009 (EDT))
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== --[[User:Roclemente|Roclemente]] 08:46, 10 June 2009 (EDT) ==
== [[User:Roclemente|Roclemente]] 08:46, 10 June 2009 (EDT) ==
After about 30 minutes after we began the gel electrophoresis, we looked at our gels with UV light to see how far the inserts had travelled and where the plasmids were. Then we took each gel to be photographed in the freezer room (231). We used the following DNA length marker to measure how long each sequence represented by each band was:
We compared our data to the lengths we expected to get according to the registry online. The first gel we photographed was the one that was 2.5% concentrated:
[[Image:2009-06-09 14hr 44min.jpg]]
[[Image:2009-06-09 14hr 44min.jpg]]
The first two columns of the DNA we ran, both consisting of B0300, were fairly the same as the length we expected. However, the last two columns, consisting of K091111 and K091112 respectively were supposed to be 86 bp long, however, according to our data, K091112 was longer. Leland and I looked at Pallavi Penumetcha's paper which delved more closely into these two parts and what she wrote in her paper and what she entered into the registry conflict. We are currently corresponding with her to figure out the exact discrepancy.
We then photographed the 0.8% gel:
[[Image:2009-06-09 15hr 21min.jpg]]
[[Image:2009-06-09 15hr 21min.jpg]]
The length of the sequences in almost every column matched up with the lengths we expected. Only the 4th and 5th columns didn't come out clearly. We think that the DNA inserted in column 5 weren't inserted properly and diffused on its own. We couldn't see bands in the 4th column at all until we adjusted the color a bit on the photographer and saw that column 4 was pretty much identical to column 5. We assumed that column 5 bled into column 4.

Revision as of 13:05, 10 June 2009

Roclemente 09:57, 3 June 2009 (EDT)'

Shamita and I are trying to find suitable reporter proteins to use. Yesterday, Leland and Alyndria were working on ways to insert the gene sequences into the plasmid. Upon seeing how they wanted to manipulated the reporter gene to include the logical clauses, we came up with a few criteria for the reporter genes we would use. The following criteria for genes are listed in order of the broadest aspect to look at to the narrowest aspect:

a) Doesn't contain restriction sites for the 4 restriction enzymes (EcoR1, Xbal, Spel, Pst1) used to cleave the Biobrick part out of the plasmid.

b) Contains 6 cutter restriction sites.

c) These restriction enzymes aren't blunt (cleave straight down at one spot).

d) These restriction sites are close to thge 5' (beginning) end of the sequence.

e) These enzymes are easiest to work with and cheapest.

We are finding the part numbers of the reporter genes we want to use (antibiotic resistance, fluorescence, LacZ) through our own GCAT because we know these ones work. We are then locating these parts on the parts registry [1] website. We copied and pasted the gene sequences we obtained from the registry onto the ApE software [2]. From here, we were able to generate a genetic map of each gene that outlined each restriction site that fit our criteria. We put each genetic map, alongside the part number used, into a Word document:


Roclemente 16:54, 3 June 2009 (EDT)

So it looks like we've changed directions. The team is looking towards the wet lab portion of our research more now. Instead of simply speculating about which reporter proteins we think will work best and which tRNA suppressors to use, we're going to physically test it out ourselves. A few tasks at hand in the second part of this afternoon:

1. What are the DNA gene sequences of the 12 different tRNA suppressors we want to use?

2. What is the sequence of the DNA that is cleaved off of both ends of the tRNA when it is transcribed?

We e-mailed Anderson to find out the exact tRNA gene sequences because we had a hard time finding this information everywhere else. Most papers we found describing the 5-base codon tRNA suppressors simply referred to Anderson's paper [3]. Anderson replied near the end of the day with the gene sequence. According to his email, the only difference between different tRNA genes is the anticodon loop. Therefore, if we just substitute all the anticodon loops in the invariable part of the sequence, we have our different tRNA sequences. We plan on using the Lancilator to help us break these tRNA sequences into smaller oligonucleotides that can anneal at around the same temperature because it is not possible for us to order oligos that are greater than 70 nucleotides long.

Roclemente 17:21, 4 June 2009 (EDT)

I started out the day looking at my time-sensitive group research qustion about reporter proteins. I started making a table listing the advantages and disadvantages of different reporter proteins. Then the group found out that there was a major roadblock to our project: a stop codon was located in our ATG-5mer oligo. The stop codon would have been part of the BioBrick scar. The group looked at several ways to work around this problem. The idea that I looked most into was replacing the restriction sites that were used in the scar through standard assembly. According to the judging criteria for iGEM, I found that a team could possibly alter the standard assembly method as long as they wrote a letter to the iGEM judges explaining our plan in a detailed manner. From there, I set off to understand the BioBrick scar more by making a document highlighting the exact positions of the rsetriction sites on the BioBrick parts and how they were used to put more than one part together. I then found several other pairs of restriction sites that complemented one another and could be used in place of the standard scar between Xba1 and Spe1. At the end of the day, the group got the chance to speak with Dr. Campbell and he suggested a hybrid idea which would combine Davidson's restriction site idea with Missouri's PCR idea. I'm not quite sure of what this idea is exactly yet, but we'll all clarify our vague idea of it tomorrow morning after a talk with Dr. Eckdahl.

Roclemente 12:06, 5 June 2009 (EDT)

This morning we began exploring different options for bypassing the stop codon problem from yesterday. If we wanted to make sure we were using the BioBrick parts in our GCatalog, there was no way we were going to be getting rid of the Xba1 restriction site that contained the "TAG" which codes for a stop codon. Therefore, we proposed looking at restriction sites within the reporter genes instead, therefore addressing the already-placed BioBrick ends. Using the document me and Shamita created on "Restriction Site Mapping on Reporter Genes" (see first journal entry), we determined that the reporter gene with the restriction site closest to the beginning of the sequence was YFP. We proposed cutting the YFP gene that we already had in stock at this restriction site and inserting an oligo (which we would have ordered) with a sequence in the following order: "BioBrick prefix - ATG - 5mer - part of YFP gene to the left of the cleaved restriction site."

After clarifying our own idea with one another, we spoke with some Missouri kids to clarify the said "hybrid" idea which, according to Dr. Campbell, combined the ideas of both campuses. The hybrid idea was based upon our idea of cutting the reporter gene at a restriction site as well, except that our primer would start out with a primer for our reporter gene, and to the left of the primer would be a "tail" consisting of the ATG and 5mer and either an Xba1 or EcoR1 restriction site (We still have to decide this. Our decision will probably be based on the restriction site we end up using in our reporter gene and whether or not that is complementary to either the Xba1 or EcoR1 sites.). We would use the PCR technique and use our in-stock reporter gene strand as our template strand (it will be denatured into single strands) and we will add our oligo. We propose that the primer will synthesize the rest of the YFP strand as well as add on nucleotides to complete the oligo tail. In the end, we will have a double stranded DNA sequence consisting of either the Xba1 or EcoR1 site, the ATG, the 5mer, and the reporter gene. The beauty of this hybrid idea is that we have flexibility as far as the reporter gene we choose to use since all we really need for it is the beginning sequence (for the primer) and a known, "hearty" restriction site. Once we cut this double strand at this restriction site on the reporter gene as well as at the Xba1 or EcoR1 sites, we can insert this into a plasmid that contains the rest of that reporter gene after the restriction site we choose to use and the complementary Xba1 or EcoR1 site.

Roclemente 17:13, 5 June 2009 (EDT)

I made a Word document outlining the promoter and RBS parts we have in our registry on the Davidson campus. Leland and I went through the registry parts on the GCATalog to look for potential promoters and RBS parts. We went through the document as a group and analyzed each of these potential parts on partsregistry.org to see which ones would most likely work the best in the miniprep we'll start preparing for on Sunday evening. Here is the document we wound up with:


Roclemente 10:40, 8 June 2009 (EDT)

We're starting the day by finalizing the oligos we will be ordering to have synthesized. Two groups of oligos must be sequenced: primers and tRNA gene sequence. The primers will consist of a forward and reverse primer. The forward primer will consist of the following in this 5' - 3' order: GCAT - BioBrick Prefix - ATF - 5mer - first 20 nucleotides in the reporter gene sequence. These 20 nucleotides won't include the ATG that naturally comes at the beginning of the reporter gene because we want to make sure the ribosome attaches to the first ATG and reads the logical clause instead of going straight to the ATG at the start of the reporter gene. The reverse primer will consist of the first 20 nucleotides downstream of the restriction site we plan to use in the reporter gene. I worked on finding the primers for the Tet resistance gene (part J31007) while Lyn worked on finding the primers for the RGP gene. Dr. Campbell decided we should use the BamH1 restriction enzyme because it is very "hardy." The following document outlines the 5 forward primers (each with one of the five variable 5mers) we will order:

Tet resistance forward primers.png

This is the reverse primer we will order:

Tet resistsance reverse primer.png

Roclemente 08:56, 9 June 2009 (EDT)

We need to digest the plasmids at the EcoR1 and Pst siets. Everytime we're going to set up a digestion, we'll want the following in these volumes: 10x Buffer (2 uL), DNA (~ 3 uL), enzymes 1 and 2 (1 uL each), water (13 uL), and final volume of all of these put together should be 20 uL.

Some notes about digestion: Enzymes should make up 10% of the final volume. As a general rule of thumb, make sure the tip of your pipet is close to the surface of the solution. This is especially pertinent when gathering 1 microL of each of the enzymes. The most sensitive components are the enzymes, so they should go last.

We'll have a bunch of tubes with each 3 microL of the specific DNA. We'll make a cocktail in a bigger tube consisting of the buffer, 2 enzymes, and water. The rationale behind thissis that you'll be less likely to make a bigger mistake with a bigger volume (versus getting 1 microL of enzyme per specific DNA). You'll also know that there is no problem with the enzyme if all the DNA don't cut. If only one specific DNA doesn't work, then we'll know that it's because there's something wrong with the specific DNA rather than anything in the "Master Mix." Since we have to do 11 digestions, we'll make enough of the master mix for 12 tubes to make sure we have enough. We'll take 17 microL of the Master Mix to each tube of DNA.

The optimal temperature for most enzymes is 37 degreees celsius. You'd like to have enzymes with the same optimal temperatures (for ex. restriction enzymes that start with B usually have an optimal temperature near 50 degrees. You wouldn't want to use both B-enzyme and EcoR1 because EcoR1 would die).

What percent gel should we use?

Look at the Davidson lab protocol on the Davidson-Missouri Wiki. Generally, bigger molecules require an agarose gel with a lower concentration.

What's next in the future?

5' end additions are done by PCR. We'll ampliffy this double-stranded DNA. We'll cut with both EcoR1 and BamH1 or Nco1 (depending on which reporter gene you're using). Then we'll cut the plasmid with the reporter with the same restriction enzymes used.Then, to throw away the remaining DNA that we don't want, we'll run a gel and throw away the smaller band (because the larger band is probably made of the plasmid we want to keep).Then we'll take the double stranded DNA we amplified and the purified plasmid and ligate, transform, and screen them and verify the sequence.

While we wait for the oligos, we can cut the plasmid with reporter on the same restriction enzyme already.

How are we building the tRNAs?

We'll assemble the oligos into genes by mixing our oligos together, boiling them, and very slowly allowing them to cool. This will require many calculations. We'll cut the plasmids with EcoR1 and Pst1. to be ready to receive the enes we're assembling.We'll have to gel purify the plasmids to get them away from their inserts. We'll ligate, transform, and screen the genes and the plasmids and verify the sequence. On paper you shouldn't have two sites cut with different restriction enzymes stick together, but if there's selection pressure, these sites may cut some ends to fit together. This is why we must screen them.

After Dr. Campbell taught us all of the above, the 5 biologists put together a document outlining exactly how we would go about cutting the two sets of plasmids (one set will be cut with Eco R1 and Pst1 and othe other set will be cut with Eco R1 and BamH1 or Nco1). The following table outlines which biologist was going to work with which sample of DNA:

Names and DNA.jpg

The following summarize the diferent materials and volumes of these materials that we'll need for our digestion of the plasmids:

Digestion materials.png

This last table highlights the agarose percent concentration we should use for each part according to how many base pairs it contains:


Roclemente 11:54, 9 June 2009 (EDT)

The biologists digested the plasmids that we plan on using once our oligos arrive in a day or two. Afterwards, we made the two agarose gels that were most compatible with the parts we were going to run. This gel is going to purify the plasmids so that we have the parts that we're going to use later on, minus the rest of the DNA in the plasmid that we don't need. Before physically creating the gel, we figured out how much agarose we would need to make our two different agarose gel concentrations, 0.8% and 2.5%. Next, we made sure the mold and the big teeth were in place. We used the big teeth at the end of the mold because we plan on running 20 uL of DNA versus a running a smaller portion which would require us to use small teeth. We then measured the amount of agarose that we calculated we would need, placed this in a volumetric flask greater than 60 uL to allow for fizz to rise up, then measured out 60 uL of buffer and mixed this in the same flask with the agarose. We placed clear plastic wrap on top of the flask and heated it up for 1 minute and 20 seconds in the microwave. After we heated it, we took it out and checked to see if there was still agarose present that hadn't yet melted. There was, so we placed it back in the microwave and heated it for another 20 seconds. All the agarose had melted. We added 1 uL of EtBr (ethidium bromide) to the solution and quickly poured this into the mold. It needs about 15 to 20 minutes to cool. Dr. Campbell made the agarose gel that was 2.5% concentrated gel while we watched. We then made the 0.8% concentrated gel while he watched.

The following table lists the order in which we loaded our DNA into the gel. The first column all the way to the left is represented by number 1:


Roclemente 08:46, 10 June 2009 (EDT)

After about 30 minutes after we began the gel electrophoresis, we looked at our gels with UV light to see how far the inserts had travelled and where the plasmids were. Then we took each gel to be photographed in the freezer room (231). We used the following DNA length marker to measure how long each sequence represented by each band was:


We compared our data to the lengths we expected to get according to the registry online. The first gel we photographed was the one that was 2.5% concentrated:

2009-06-09 14hr 44min.jpg

The first two columns of the DNA we ran, both consisting of B0300, were fairly the same as the length we expected. However, the last two columns, consisting of K091111 and K091112 respectively were supposed to be 86 bp long, however, according to our data, K091112 was longer. Leland and I looked at Pallavi Penumetcha's paper which delved more closely into these two parts and what she wrote in her paper and what she entered into the registry conflict. We are currently corresponding with her to figure out the exact discrepancy.

We then photographed the 0.8% gel:

2009-06-09 15hr 21min.jpg

The length of the sequences in almost every column matched up with the lengths we expected. Only the 4th and 5th columns didn't come out clearly. We think that the DNA inserted in column 5 weren't inserted properly and diffused on its own. We couldn't see bands in the 4th column at all until we adjusted the color a bit on the photographer and saw that column 4 was pretty much identical to column 5. We assumed that column 5 bled into column 4.