Genome Assembly Project: Leland Taylor '12

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Useful Links - phage database. Assembled versions of the raw files we have are located here - UMD bioinformatics center. Good open source programs. Also includes AMOS - a good list of assembly programs - user comparison of several assemblers (SOAPdenovo, ABySS, All Paths 2)


  • Comparison assembly (aka reference based) - basically align reads to reference genome
    • Regions that differ slightly (like large insertions) still need to be assembled de novo (Genome assembly reborn: recent computational challenges)
    • Protein reference gene can be used as comparison (ABBA)
      • Useful if no close reference genome available.
    • PROGRAMS: AMOScmp, Maq, ABBA (protein)
      • Maq - characterizes SNPs between target genome and reference.
  • Coverage - the ratio between the cumulative size of a set of reads and the size of the genome
  • de novo assembly - NP-hard problem. Assembly from scratch
    • Usually highly fragmented used with short reads (Genome assembly reborn: recent computational challenges)
      • hybrid de novo assembly - using data from different sources... harder, but can gain insight by playing the different data sets to their strengths.
        • Eulerian method ideal for this.
  • DeNovoAssemblyMethod: Brujin graphs (aka Eulerian pathway) (1.2 pg 359)
    • Make graph: nodes = each k-1 section, edges = exact overlap of k-2 (see 1.2 fig 3B).
    • Assembler = find pathway though this graph that uses every edge (aka Eulerian path)
      • Typically more than one Eulerian path can be found... representing the many different ways a genome ca be rearranged around repeats.
    • Loose long range connectivity information by choping up reads in to k-mer sets... this info lost = useful in reducing ambiguity of graph structure
      • "Eulerian superpath problem" - solves this issue via graph constructed from sub-paths corresponding to individual reads provided as input to assembler
    • "when reads are so long it is better use an overlap layout method in order to avoid a great number of false positives"
    • Better at resolving repeats (Assembly complexity of prokaryotic genomes using short reads)
    • Very sensitive to sequencing errors
    • Ideal for short reads... high depth of coverage of reads in roughly equal length
    • See daniel zerbinos phd thesis
    • PROGRAM: Velvet, Allpaths, Euler-SR, Euler-USR
  • DeNovoAssemblyMethod: Greedy (1.2 pg 357)
    • Step 1: Reads compared to each other to construct a list of pair-wise overlaps
    • Step 2: Join contigs that overlap the best and and when no ore reads or contigs can be joined
      • "Overlaps" = prefix of one read shares enough similarity with suffix of another
    • "Greedy" - the algorithm optimizes locally... ie the quality of overlap between reads
      • Starts by processing the best overlap first, so chooses that path and may misassemble many repeats
    • PROGRAM: TIGR Assembler, CAP3
  • DeNovoAssemblyMethod: Greedy for Short Reads (1.2 pg 357)
    • Unassembled read chosen as start contig... Contig built on the 3' end until no more extensions possible. Then build onto 5' end using rev comp of original read.
    • Extension process terminated when conflicting information found... 2+ reads could extend the contig.
  • DeNovoAssemblyMethod: Overlap layout consensus (OLC) (1.2 pg 357)
    • Step 1: Reads compared to each other to construct a list of pair-wise overlaps
    • Step 2: Create overlap map... each read = node, edge = if overlap identified between reads
      • Core part of OLC
      • Ultimate goal = find a single path that traverses each node of the graph exactly once (hamiltonian path).
    • Step 3: Consensus computation - determine the DNA sequence implied by the arrangement of reads along the chosen path
    • PROGRAMS: Celera Assembler, Arachne, newbler, Edena
    • Most popular type... perhaps from its flexibility
  • FileType: .qual - base quality score values for each nt in the corresponding .fna file. Each entry has the same header as the .fna.
  • FileType: .sff - Standard Flowgram Files
    • .sff file format consists of three sections: a common header section occurring once in the file; then for each read stored in the file, a read header section and a read data section
  • k-mer
    • the larger the kmer the longer the overlap between two reads has to be. that's also a reason why the kmer can never be larger then your minimum read length. SO an assembly at a higher kmer size is always more "accurate"(not talking about better N50) than the one at a lower kmer size. (
    • Usually linked to Eulerian path assemblies (Brujin graphs)... in implementations, the higher k-mer, the less RAM because the graph will be smaller
  • Mate-pair -
  • Metagenomics - sequencing entire microbial communities instead of isolate genomes (Genome assembly reborn: recent computational challenges)
  • N50
    • the length of the smallest contig in the set that contains the fewest (largest) contigs whose combined length represents at least 50% of the assembly. The N50 statistics for different assemblies are not comparable unless each is calculated using the same combined length value. (
    • Contig or scaffold N50 is a weighted median statistic such that 50% of the entire assembly is contained in contigs or scaffolds equal to or larger than this value (
    • N50 is a statistical measure of average length of a set of sequences. It is used widely in genomics, especially in reference to contig or supercontig lengths within a draft assembly. Given a set of sequences of varying lengths, the N50 length is defined as the length N for which 50% of all bases in the sequences are in a sequence of length L < N. This can be found mathematically as follows: Take a list L of positive integers. Create another list L' , which is identical to L, except that every element n in L has been replaced with n copies of itself. Then the median of L' is the N50 of L. For example: If L = {2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 8, 8}, then L' consists of six 2's, six 3's, four 4's, and sixteen 8's; the N50 of L is the median of L' , which is 6. (
  • Sanger-based sequencing - first generation sequencing (1000-2000bp reads)
  • Scaffolds (1.2 pg 360)
    • Groups of contigs whose relative placement is known though the DNA sequence of genomic regions connecting these contigs is unknown
    • Usually relies on mate-pair information (other method = optical mapping like in SOMA)
      • Two contigs = adjacent if one end of mate-pair in contig1 and other end of mate-pair in contig2
    • Most assemblers have scaffolding module
    • The longer contigs are, the easier it is to scaffold
    • PROGRAMS: Euler, Arachne, Celera Assembler, Velvet, Bambus (stand alone scaffold assembler), SOMA (scaffolding with restriction maps... need more tests than the data we have).
      • See 1.2 paper for overview of algorithms of these scaffolders
  • Spur - single reads that disagree with the bulk of reads within a region of an assembly graph (OLC method) (1.2 pg 359)
  • Unitig - uniquely assemblable contig (defined by Celera Assembler)... Contig constructed until a fork in a graph (OLC method) (1.2 pg 358)
    • PROGRAMS: Minimus, newbler, internal datastructures of Celera Assembler and Arachne

Assembly Programs

  • Euler-SR (short read)
  • Newbler
  • Velvet
    • Uses Poisson statistics to estimate the likelihood a particular genomic region represents a collapsed repeat
  • Celera Assembler
    • Uses Poisson statistics to estimate the likelihood a particular genomic region represents a collapsed repeat

Scripts - convert fastq to fasta.

Big Questions

  • De novo or Reference/Comparative based assembly?
    • Comparative assembly = suited for sequencing multiple strains of a same bacterium (1.2 pg 361).
  • What kind of coverage is typical for phages?


July 2 2024

Looking at the raw assembly files, it looks like our reads are ~500nt on average. We do have small ones ~50nt.

The database includes three file types: .fna .qual .sff

Kingsford, C., Schatz, M.C. & Pop, M. Assembly complexity of prokaryotic genomes using short reads. BMC Bioinformatics 11, 21 (2010).


  • Use De Brujin graphs to estimate "completeness" of genomes assembled via de novo assembly
  • Lists compression techniques and the order to employ them
  • Can use this method to compute N50
    • N50 = the length of the largest contig (m) such that at least 50% of genome covered by contigs of size >= m.
    • A higher N50 score usually correlates to a more "correct" genome
  • Regardless of correctness of genome, for nearly all read sizes (1000nt > size > 25nt), 85%+ of genes accurately identified (85% is for 25nt reads).


  • Look for assembler that uses De Brujin graph?
    • PROGRAM: EULER-SR - Short read de novo assembly. By Mark J. Chaisson and Pavel A. Pevzner from UCSD (published in Genome Research). Uses a de Bruijn graph approach.
  • This paper showed how to get an upper limit of correctness of genome. Compare several existing de novo assemblers using the methods here as comparison.
  • Is it possible to get the code used in this project?

Pop, M. Genome assembly reborn: recent computational challenges. Briefings in Bioinformatics 10, 354-366 (2009).


  • THESIS: Nice presentation of current technology and description of whole process (including de novo vs reference, de novo subtypes, scaffolding, assembly validation, metagenomics)
  • THESIS: Table 1 = great summary of 2nd gen sequencing and the trade offs you make with it.
  • Assembly Validation
    • Stat analysis for areas with unusually deep coverage
    • Poission stat to estimate likely hood region represents a repeat
      • DNP??
      • PROGRAM: DNPtrapper, Euler-AIR
    • Mate pairs
      • In correct assembly, tiling of reads should be consistent with mate pair constraints (relative orientation and paired ends)
      • PROGRAM: Tampa, Zimin, and visual tools like BACCardI, Hawkeye
        • Hawkeye also has built in AMOSvalidate
    • Whole genome mapping (with restriction enzymes)


  • I am torn between working with de novo sequencers or comparative assemblers... Perhaps the best way is to start with de novo and then move to comparative, as de novo will likely be needed for comparative assemblers.
  • The target phage genomes are small, so we do not really need to worry that much about efficiency.
  • There are so many programs out there that seem like they would work for my purposes. Perhaps my project should be to take an existing program and determine parameters ideal for phages.
  • It may be difficult to make a universal program. So much of the ideal assembly program depends on the characteristics of your reads... Are they short/long reads? A single data source? Do you have mate-pair information? Perhaps I am creating a tool to just peer into the assembly program.
    • I can design it to be optimized for the 454 data I have now.
  • Areas of future work identified in this paper.
    • Designing programs to use multiple datasets to identify the best assembly. For example, Illumina and 454 data, but also non-sequence data like genome mapping (which has been shown to really help out assemblies)

Basic Timeline

  • 1st – 2nd Week
    • Learn how to manipulate and handle raw read files.
    • Familiarize myself with key sources listed above.
    • Write module to calculate fold coverage using genome size estimate and total size of all reads.
    • Write a prioritized list of features and goals for my program.
  • 3rd – 6th week
    • Develop my program in modules according to the prioritized features.
    • Compare my program’s genome to previously assembled genomes from this raw data.
    • Quantify the accuracy of my genome by testing for the size of a predicted gap or feature in the genome to size of that actual segment of DNA in the blueberry genome.
    • Edit the program based on any issues encountered with the full data set.
  • 7th – 10th week (Ending: July 29, 2011)
    • Finish wet-lab accuracy tests
    • Fine–tune the program based on any issues encountered with the full data set.
    • Attempt to assemble the “Meatball” phage genome.

Random Notes

Citation method for papers read = the number journal is (currently 6 topic, then the sub section)... so currently if I say 1.2, then I look at Journal (6).1.2 = Genome assembly reborn

Figure out weighting scale to identify missassemblies via machine based learning (A machine-learning approach to combined evidence validation of genome assemblies)