R2D2 Tutorial
From GcatWiki
Our project was motivated by people leaving windows open inside chambers.
- MacOS X computer
- Needs bluetooth
- Needs MatLab and Python 2.7.3
- iRobot Create
- BAM iRobot bluetooth adaptor
- Wifi webcam that you can power
- We used Foscam FI8918W because it ran off 5 volt power, allowing us to wire it to the iRobot for power.
Install software/packages/scripts on Mac
- MatLab Setup
- Python Setup
- Download and Install MacPorts
- Open terminal and type the following commands.
- Install open cv for python 2.7
sudo port -v install opencv +python27
- Install pil for python 2.7
sudo port install py27-pil
- Optional: Install selenium for python 2.7 (use this option if you want to control the webcam via a browser)
sudo port install py27-selenium
- Set this MacPorts installed python as the default python interpreter:
sudo port select --set python python27
- Download webcam.py to control the wifi webcam
- Other Terminal Setup
- Install pkill command to terminal via MacPorts
sudo port install proctools