Test XOR Hybrid Promoters

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This is a rough idea of how to test the four hybrid promoters for the XOR gate.

Test pLuxR/cI

Test pMnt/Lac

Test pMnt/Lac

pMnt/Lac is constitutively on but is repressed by the LacI protein. The promoter is also repressed by the Mnt protein. The addition of IPTG should repress the LacI repressor and glow in the absence of the Mnt protein.

Some promoter→LacI+t+t+pLac/Mnt→GFP does not glow

Some promoter→Mnt+t+t+pLac/Mnt→GFP does not glow

add IPTG

Some promoter→LacI+t+t+pLac/Mnt→GFP glows

0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0

Test pLsrA/cI

Test pLasR/cI

Test Mnt/Tet promoter

The pMnt/TetR promoter is constitutively on and is repressed by the TetR protein. The addition of aTc should repress the TetR causing it to glow. The addition of the Mnt protein should repress the promoter causing it not glow.

TetR Mnt aTc + GFP aTc - GFP
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0

Test tet repression

Some promoter (pbad)→RBS+TetR+t+t+pMnt/Tet→RBS+GFP does not glows


add aTc

Some promoter→TetR+t+t+pMnt/Tet→GFP glows


Test Mnt repression:

Some promoter→Mnt+t+t+pMnt/Tet→GFP glows


Test Tet and Mnt repression:

Some promoter→TetR+Mnt+t+t+pMnt/Tet→GFP does not glows


add aTc does not glow

test page 1