Gene Annotation Template

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Gene Annotation Log - Template

Basic Information:

DNA Coordinates:

DNA Sequence (FASTA format):

Protein Sequence (FASTA format):

Isoelectric Point:

Similarity Data (Sequence-Based):

- Gene Product Name:
- Top hit – organism:
- Length, Score, E-value, Identity, Positives and Gaps
NCBI Statistics
- Alignment of Top Hit and Query Sequence
Alignment Scoring

CDD: Conserved Domains Database
- Significant COG Hits:
Definition of COG
- Names of COGs:
- Score:
- E-value:
CDD website

PDB: Protein Data Bank
- Significant Structure Hits:
This database provides information about the structures of proteins in addition to performing a BLAST alignment.
o Length
o Score
o E-value
o Identities
o Positives
o Gaps
o Alignment
PDB website

- Multi-Sequence Alignment
T-coffee Website
This is a useful tool, but it is confusing to use.

Cellular Localization Data:

This database predicts the number of transmembrane helices in a protein.
- Number of Predicted TMH’s
- Transmembrane Topology graph and comment

This database predicts whether or not a protein is a signal protein.
- Signal Peptide Probability
- Signal Peptide Graph

- Cytoplasmic Score:
- Cytoplasmic Membrane Score:
- Periplasmic Score:
- Outer Membrane Score:
- Extracellular Score:
- Final Prediction for Protein Location (of the above listed):

- Enter Graph:

Final Hypothesis: Where do you expect to find this protein?

Alternative Open Reading Frames:

Proposed DNA Coordinates:


Structure-Based Evidence of Function:

- Significant Matches:
- Pfam Name:
- Pairwise Alignment:
- HMM logo:
- Key Functional Residues:

- Significant Structure Hits:
o Length
o Score
o E-value
o Identities
o Positives
o Gaps
- Alignment:


KEGG - Map:
EcoCyc – Pathway:
E.C. Number:

Duplication and Degradation:

- Length
- Score
- E-value
- Identity
- Positives
- Gaps

Alignment of Top Hit and Query Sequence:

Evidence of Horizontal Gene Transfer:

Phylogenetic Tree Diagram:

Gene Context:
- Ortholog Neighborhood Region of Organism:
- Examples of similarities or Differences:
- Comment:

Chromosome Viewer GC Heat Map:
- Characteristic GC% of genome:
- Average GC% of gene:

RNA (Rfam):

RNA Family:
Bits Score:
