Test pLsrA/cI

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Test pLsrA/cI promoter

The pLsrA/cI promoter is constitutively off and is repressed by the lsrR protein. The addition of AI-2 should de-repress the lsrR operon causing it to glow. The addition of the cI protein should repress the promoter, causing it to not glow.

1) Test LsrR repression:

pBAD→RBS+LsrR+t+t+plsrA/cI→RBS+GFP does not glow


add AI-2

pBAD→RBS+TetR+TT+plsrA/cI→GFP glows


2) Test cI repression:

pBAD→RBS+cI+TT+plsrA/cI→GFP glows


add cI protein

pBAD→RBS+cI+TT+plsrA/cI→GFP does not glow


3) Test LsrR and cI repression:

pBAD→RBS+lsrR+cI+TT+plsrA/cI→GFP does not glows


add AI-2

pBAD→RBS+lsrR+cI+TT+plsrA/cI→GFP does not glows


LsrR cI AI-2 + GFP AI-2 - GFP
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0