Divide and Conquer Biological Challenges

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Revision as of 14:01, 2 June 2008 by ErFeeney (talk | contribs) (* We need to have an XOR logic gate produced.)
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IGEM2008 design.jpg

* We are interested in building the pLac_lux promoter.

PLac Lux.jpgPLac Lux logic.jpg
If LuxR and LacIQ are always on.....when you have IPTG AND NOT AHL
PLac lux promoter.jpg

* We need to get the Lux/AHL system working.

LuxR pLac.jpg

* We might need to get the Lsr/AI-2 system working.

Our summary of the Lsr system: Davidson/Missouri_Western_iGEM2008#Lsr_.28AI-2.29_cell_signaling_system

  • There are NO Lsr parts in the registry:
  • We will need to make BB parts for:
  1. LsrR and LsrK which are adjacent to each other in the E. coli genome. We could amplify them together with a total size of over 2600bp.
  2. Lsr promoter
  3. LuxS that produces DPD that somehow is converted to R-THMF.
  4. How do we get cells to make AI-2?

* We do NOT need to use additional chemical input signals (e.g., aTc and IPTG). We will use only AHL and AI-2 added exogenously.

* We need to have an XOR logic gate produced.

Existing Logic Gates

  • AND:

Existing But Complex AND AND Gate.png

Simple But Hypothetical AND Tet AND Lac.jpg AND Table.jpg
We would need to have:

  1. Starts with pTetR
  2. over production of LacIQ repressor but note this link is plain LacI
  3. over production of TetR repressor
  4. Therefore, we will have to build 1) modified promoter and 2) LacIQ

  • NAND:
  1. I732914

  • OR:

Simple but Hypothetical OR Simple OR gate.jpgOR Logic.jpg

  • XOR:

See ETH's Designed but not build XOR gate. They also published this here
Also, there is a tunable quarum sensor here.
Simple but Hypothetical XOR XOR promoterb.jpgXOR Logic.jpg

  • NOR:
  1. I732916
  2. I732917

  • NOT (Inverters):
  1. I732205 (NOT/ Dual-repressed NOR)

Self-Contained Inverters

  1. J23040 (AHL-dependent inverter)

PoPS Output Inverters

  1. Q04121 (lac inverter)
  2. Q04400 (tet inverter)

* We need to figure out how to get cells to communicate in a sequence and not stop growing too soon.

  • What if AmpR is secreted and cells are not AmpR?

This would prevent cells down the chain from responding too soon. Erin and Pallavi have conducted experiments with this for both distance and timing.