3) Heat shock genes

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Heat Shock Genes

Our halophile's (Halomicrobium mukohataei) genome has 2 heat shock genes: Heat shock protein (644030037) and Heat shock protein (644032460).

Confirmed Annotation for Both Genes:

   Heat Shock Gene 644030037 (247059..247886(-) (828bp)) 
        ATG confirmed start codon with a Met in the amino acid sequence.
        Blastp results (using the translated amino acid sequence seen below): 
        What is the role of peptidase (enzyme that breaks down peptide bonds) in the heat shock gene mechanism? 
        GC content: 0.66 consistent with the GC content of 0.65 in our genome           

    Heat Shock gene 644032460 (2587941..2588783(+) (843bp))
      ATG confirmed start codon with a Met in the amino acid sequence.
      Blastp results (using the translated amino acid sequence seen below):
      GC Content= 0.65 which is the same as in the whole species' genome. 

Possible Other Questions of Interest:

1). Are these two gene's paralogs, orthologs or alien genes?

Blastn Results for Aligning the Two Sequences:

Dot Plot:


Blastp Results for Aligning the Two Sequences:

Dot Plot:



2). Do other halophiles have heat shock genes?

3). Do eukarya and prokarya have heat shock genes? If so how do the number and sequence of heat shock genes compare to that of other species and domains.

4). Our halophile has five cold shock genes. Do these genes operate under the same mechanism as heat shock genes? Why are there more cold shock than heat shock genes?

5). By what mechanism do heat shock genes in archaea up-regulate a specific series of genes that are more suitable for hotter environments?

6). By what mechanism do heat shock genes in bacteria and eukarya change the transcription of certain genes? Does a difference in mechanisms account for the some genes that exist in our species but not in the other domains?

7). Do halophiles that live in extreme heat have heat shock genes?

Articles that may be of future use:

Transcription initiation of stress (heat-shock) genes in archaea