Heat stress

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Heat Stress Tolerance - by A. Malcolm Campbell (Spring Semester, 2013)

There are four types of heat tolerance (Yeh et al., 2012)

  1. basal thermotolerance
  2. short-term acquired thermotolerance
  3. long-term acquired thermotolerance
  4. thermotolerance to moderately high temperature

Heat Shock Transcription Factors (HsFs) are subdivided into three classes called A, B and C. (Lin et al., 2011)
25 maize HsFs have been identified (see table from Lin et al.)


The DNS Binding Domain (DBD) from HsFs was used as a query to find them in maize. zmHsFs were aligned to show conservation and divergence. (Lin et al., 2011).

ZmHsFs DBD.png

In Arabidopsis, ABSCISIC ACID–INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3) is a transcription factor induced in seeds that induces the transcription of seed-specific HsFs (Kotak et al., 2007). I should look for the blueberry ortholog.