Interactive Clustering

Several genes from yeast stress expression data, publicly available on the Stanford genome server, are located below. The Stanford University genomics website contains additional information regarding the generation of data, materials and methods, and related publications.

To cluster a combination of genes from various experiments, mark the appropriate checkboxes, choose a threshold value at which your tree will be 'cut,' and click submit.


Desired Threshold: (Enter a value between -1 and 1)

UID: Gene Name

Functional Description

Heat Shock 1

Include all

Heat Shock 2

  Include all

Hydrogen Peroxide

Include all

Nitrogen Depletion

Include all

Time Point
In Minutes

  5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 60 | 80 

  00 | 00 | 00 | 05 | 15 | 30 | 60 

  10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 080 | 100 | 120 | 160 

  30m | 1hr | 3hr | 4hr | 8hr | 12hr | 1 d | 2 d | 3 d | 5 d 


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DNA repair DNA glycosylase
DNA repair DNA Plolymerase IV
DNA Repair 6-O- methylguanine-DNA methylase
Protein Synthesis Translation Initiation Factor
DNA replication DNA Polymerase V
Cell Wall integrity and stress response
Induced by Osmotic Stress
Stress Response Trancriptional Repressor
Transcription Activator of Allantoin & Urea Catabolism
Heat Shock response Secreted Glycoprotein of HSP Family
Bud Site Selection GTPase-activating protein for RSR1P/BUD1
Ribosome Biogenesis Putative RNA Helicase


Oxidative Stress Response

Thermotolerance Heat Shock Protein
Centromeric Microtubule Binding Protein
Induced by DNA damage, heat shock
Translation Heat Shock Protein, homolog of E. Coli


Similar to C. Carbonum toxd gen

Similar to C. Elegans KQ2H4.3 P


Induced by Osmotic Stress

Pentose Phospate Cycle Ribose - 5- Phosphate Ketol-Isomerase
Protein Synthesis Translation Initiation Factor


Transcription RNA Polymerase III


What do the images represent?

Each image reflects collected microarray data which helped researchers to determine how the genes respond to different experimental conditions at the mRNA level.

For further detail, please consult the background page.



This page was designed for an undergraduate course at Davidson College.